As Early Intervention Therapists, we often see parents purchasing toys with the most amount of buttons, sounds, lights, etc. What's our opinion? Most of the time- LESS IS MORE! Avoid light up and sound producing toys- some are definitely okay! Promote independent exploration and sit down and provide model of pretend play. Here is a list with links to the toys that ASPTherapies would recommend to shop for during this Holiday Season!

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Piggy Bank
Mr. Potato Head
Stacking Ball Ramp
ODELA Spinning Toy
Velcro Food
Knob Wooden Puzzles
Chunky Wooden Puzzles
Hide and Seek Wooden Activity Board
Little People School Bus
Wooden Blocks
Nesting and Stacking Blocks
Hanging Swing
Kids Play Tunnel
Shape Sorter
Farm Set
First Books
Touch and Feel Flashcards